The Government has backed a police force's handling of a suspected terrorist explosion at a mosque and urged that the incident "cannot be allowed to harm community relations".

Speaking as West Midlands Police counter terrorism officers continue their finger-tip search for clues at the scene in Tipton, Security Minister James Brokenshire said the force had the Home Office's "full support" as its investigation into Friday's blast progresses.

He said: "Violence like this has no place in our society; this appalling attack could have caused serious injury to many innocent people.

"West Midlands Police are treating this as a terrorist incident and they have our full support.

"The Home Secretary and I are being kept updated with the progress of the police investigation.

"What happened in Tipton cannot be allowed to harm community relations. It's important that the police continue to receive all necessary support to identify those responsible and bring them to justice."

Detailed searches are continuing in Binfield Street and the surrounding area following the explosion behind Kanzul Iman Masjid mosque just after 1pm on Friday.

It is understood the blast, which scattered debris, including nails, across a wide area centred on an embankment near a disused rail line running behind the mosque.

No-one was injured but some minor damage to property was reported.

Yesterday afternoon a controlled explosion was carried out after a potential small component part of the device was discovered in the garden of one of several nearby homes that had been evacuated as a precaution.

For safety reasons the item could not be removed so specialist army bomb disposal officers dealt with the component at the scene.

West Midlands Police assistant chief constable Marcus Beale praised the community for its solidarity in the wake of the explosion.

He said: "The community has been fantastic on a number of levels: we've had support and understanding from the families affected who've been forced out of their homes and we are grateful for that.

"The wider faith communities have also come together to show solidarity, very much giving the message that it's an attack on all of them and does not reflect the feelings of the local community.

"If anyone happened to have been nearby at the time of the explosion it would have resulted in really horrible injuries.

"I would appeal to people, if you have the smallest piece of information that may help us find the perpetrators, please contact us. We will treat you with sensitivity and you may help take a very dangerous individual off the streets."

Neighbourhood officers will be visiting mosques and other places of worship across the region to offer reassurance.

Speaking on behalf of the community, Imam Ghulam Rasool from the Kanzul Iman Masjid mosque, said: "This senseless act tried to divide us but we respond united and more determined to come out stronger in condemnation of extremism and in maintaining and further strengthening existing good community relations in the borough.

"For those who wish to divide us and fringe elements that may wish to exploit this situation we have this message: we are one borough, one community that remains united in defiance of extremism wherever it may come from. We are united in support of strong community and interfaith relations and in our belief that this is a country that values freedom of speech, expression and religious co-existence.

"Acts such as these will only strengthen our resolve.

"To the wider community we say this: Let's continue to go about our lives not intimidated by fear or violence, not provoked by senseless acts of extremism or terrorism designed to undermine our borough's harmony and cohesion.

"The people of Tipton and Sandwell will never succumb or be seduced to senseless acts or initiatives designed to spread fear, messages of hate and division that bring disharmony to our communities."

Anyone with information, particularly anyone who saw people acting suspiciously around the disused rail line behind Kanzul Iman Masjid mosque on Friday morning or the days leading up to the explosion, is urged to call police on 101, or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.