TWO men who kidnapped a woman and forced her to perform oral sex on them by threatening her with a heroin injection have been jailed.

Kasra Esmaelie and Aziz Nasser, both 25, were found guilty after a trial at Reading Crown Court of five counts between them of rape, sexual assault and assault by beating after the incident on September 3, 2021.

The pair were found guilty of all five counts. Both were charged on count one and two of rape, Nasser was charged with count three of sexual assault and count four of assault by beating, and Esmaelie was charged with count five of assault by beating.

At the same court on Friday (June 9), the pair were sentenced to 13 years and 10 years respectively.

During the trial, the court heard that pair had been given the woman, who cannot be named for legal reasons, a lift home from a hotel in London where she had been visiting some friends.

They were then caught on CCTV stopping at Upton Court car park in Slough where the incident took place.

Both defendants had got into the back of the car with the woman and ‘began touching her up’.

She was told to remove her clothes by Esmaelie but she refused and was placed in a ‘chokehold’ until she agreed.

Esmaelie told Nasser to grab a syringe and threatened to inject her with heroin if she didn’t perform oral sex on the pair.

She was also recorded saying derogatory things out of fear of being injected. There were also threats made to throw acid in her and her mother’s face.

Esmaelie told the woman he was going to take her to Glasgow to ‘pimp her out’. The woman then had to fake a seizure to ‘panic’ the defendants leading them to drop her home.

The pair denied the offences and claimed the woman was lying in attempts to blackmail them for money.

In a victim impact statement read out by the court, the woman wrote: “I was scared and alone with two men I didn’t know.

“The incident has caused a significant emotional impact. I’m stressed and anxious by things I wasn’t scared about before the attack.

“I’m anxious about going to places I haven’t been before. I’m constantly checking my surroundings. I avoid going out.

“I was never like this before. My social life is also impacted by my sleeplessness. I sometimes get flashbacks about what happened.”

The court heard she has been diagnosed with depression, anxiety and PTSD since the attack and now has counselling.

She added: “In my head, I feel like I’m going to be the same again. I used to be socially happy – I don’t feel that way now.

“I just feel completely different. My confidence has taken a hit. I feel like, who is going to want a person who has been through something like this?”

Sentencing, Judge Edward Burgess also sentenced the men to concurrent sentences for the additional counts but increased the main sentence to reflect the severity of the offending.