The new MP for Blackburn was swamped by supporters as he emerged from King George’s Hall.

It had  just turned 5am as Adnan Hussain and a handful of supporters left the venue, where the count had taken place, following what can only be described as a remarkable victory for the Independent candidate.

He was greeted by family and friends who had heard of the news and had rushed to the town centre to celebrate with him. He appeared a little dazed and understandably tired following the victory and was congratulated by a stream of well-wishers.

Mr Hussain was hugged by dozens of people has he emerged into the daylight amidst loud cheers.  

The celebrations were in stark comparison to the reactions when the result was announced. It appeared supporters had been urged not cheer inside the venue as a mark of respect to others and to the cause they had been aiming to highlight.

Mr Hussain who only decided to stand for election around six weeks ago had turned over an 18,000 Labour majority to win by just 132 votes. There were several delays from 3am onwards as the count was verified before a further batch count.

This, on a night when Labour secured a huge majority across the country and swept back into power.

READ MORE: Shock Blackburn loss for Labour as East Lancs and country go red

Results from East Lancashire seats in general election 2024

Speaking on the steps of the hall, Mr Hussain called for a moment of silence to remember the reasons the campaign had been launched on the back of the ongoing bombing of Gaza.

He then called for unity referring to a campaign which was marred by ‘lies and misconceptions’ shared on social media.

He said: “We can never give up and believe in yourselves.

“What we have seen in recent weeks has been unbelievable.

“Now you have to carry on the fight to work towards a better community. Towards a better Blackburn to be better people.

“We have to unite our communities.

“Like I said from the beginning our brothers and sisters in Bastwell have the same issues that our brothers and sisters have in Mill Hill. And we to stick and stay true to the word.

“We can’t ever forget the reality.  We are here on the back of a genocide and if that is giving us an opportunity then we must grasp it.

“And use it for the betterment of our communities.”

He went on say communities could not move on and would remained stagnated if ‘communities are divided’.

Earlier, during his acceptance speech Mr Hussain had thanked outgoing MP Kate Hollern for her valuable service to the people of Blackburn and urged to work together for the betterment of the town.


Blackburn – Independent  WIN

Adnan Hussain - Independent 10,518

Kate Hollern - Labour  10,386

Jamie McGowan - Conservative 3,474

Denise Morgan - Green 1,416

Craig Murray - Workers Party 7,105

Tiger Patel - Independent 369

Natasha Shah - Independent 86

Tommy Temperley - Reform UK 4,844

Adam Waller-Slack - Liberal Democrat 689