A community came together to host a special event to dispel misconceptions about Muslims and Islam.

The Light Foundation helped to host the event at the Abdullah Quilliam Mosque in Liverpool following the recent riots in the city .

The event, ‘Is Islam a threat to Britain?’ was part of a series of talks from the series, 'Questioning Islam: Tough Questions and Honest Answers about the Muslim religion'.

Nadeem Ashfaq from the Preston based Light Foundation said: “The evening brought together a diverse and packed crowd of people of faiths and none, and of all backgrounds and ways of life, in what became a really powerful evening of meaningful conversations, friendship, and community building.

“Those who attended strongly felt that the evening had cleared up their misconceptions on Islam and Muslims.

“We would like to take this opportunity to thank the wonderful team at the Abdullah Quilliam Mosque for being incredible hosts, and we applaud them for their continued commitment to peace, through difficult conversations and dialogue.”

Keynote speaker Shaykh Adam Kelwick spoke about how Muslims historically, were ‘pioneers in creating diversity within their communities’ and were ‘respectful, sensitive and courteous when dealing with disputes and conflict’. 

He emphasised that such gatherings were important in that they raised difficult questions.

Shaykh Adam Kelwick, trustee of Light Foundation said: "The ugly riots have been a catalyst for something very, very beautiful.

"Love is spreading, friendships are being made and bridges are being built."