A trio of motorbike enthusiasts are embarking on a 4,500 journey to raise funds for a Palestine appeal.

Muhammad, Nasir and Mak are gearing up for a monumental motorbike bike from Dewsbury to Makkah where they will perform the Umrah. 

Leaving later this month the journey will take them through 13 countries, including Italy, Turkey and the Balkans.

Along with their motorbikes and camping kit, which includes a tent, the trio will navigate the diverse landscapes of Europe and eventually Turkey and then the hot and arid Middle east, camping wherever possible or seeking respite in the odd hotel.

The unpredictable weather adds an extra layer of difficulty to their journey. 

Nasir said: "We have been talking about this for a while and eventually mustered up the courage to go ahead with it over a cup of coffee.

"Things very quickly fell into place and here we are about to set off on a journey that will undoubtedly push us to our limits. 

Anticipating highs and lows, along with moments of both smiles and tears, We are ready for the journey."

The funds raised will contribute to World Care Foundation's Palestine projects.

The route the three bikers will take through Europe and into the Middle East

Mak said: “We have all seen the tragic and heartbreaking images coming out of Gaza and often feel helpless in making a difference. 

“The three of us decided that whilst completing this once in a lifetime spiritual journey we should also try and make a difference in the lives of Palestinians who are being repeatedly displaced, maimed and killed by this brutal war”