A dentist has completed the AJ Bell Great North Run in memory of her uncle who died after a heart attack, and to raise funds for the British Heart Foundation (BHF).

Dr Nitam Narkhede, 46, from Gosforth lost her uncle after he suffered a heart attack in January 2022. 

Dr Narkhede said: “It was the most terrible shock. He was my father’s younger brother and was only in his early 60s.

"I have also lost two good friends from university in recent years to heart disease. I felt I had to run this year for BHF.

“Taking part in the 2024 AJ Bell Great North Run for the BHF, was such a big challenge and an amazing experience.

"The atmosphere around the course was electric and it was great having so many people cheering me on, it made me even more determined to cross the finish line.

“The research that the BHF does makes such a difference to the 7.6 million people in the UK living with heart and circulatory diseases.

"I’m proud that I’m doing as much as I can to support their amazing work to help fund the next big scientific breakthrough.” 

The event raised £500,000 for the BHF, which will enable the charity to continue to fund groundbreaking research into new treatments and cures for heart and circulatory diseases. 

In 2023, the BHF was named as the official charity of the AJ Bell Great Run Series. The partnership will run for two years, and all the money raised will be invested in improving the heart health of the nation.

Karen McDonnell, Partnership Manager at the BHF, added: “It’s fantastic to see Nitam’s courage and determination in helping us fund lifesaving research.

"Without the dedication of our team of BHF runners and the commitment of people like Nitam we wouldn’t be able to fund research that has already broken new ground, revolutionised treatments and transformed the lives of millions of people in the UK. 

 “The stories of why our amazing supporters take part never fails to amaze me and it was incredible to see Nitam and 1,100 other BHF runners take on the AJ Bell Great North Run to help save and improve lives.”